Contract Address Details


Contract Name
0x8d86bc–44ea8b at 0x640970–35137d
Fetching tokens...
0 Transactions
0 Transfers
Gas Used
Fetching gas used...
Last Balance Update
Contract name:

Optimization enabled
Compiler version

Optimization runs
EVM Version

Verified at

Constructor Arguments


Arg [0] (bool) : true
Arg [1] (bytes32) : 302e352e362d747275737461626c650000000000000000000000000000000000
Arg [2] (uint256) : 133000


Contract source code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestBoardEvents.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board emitting events interface.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestBoardEvents {
    /// Emitted when a Witnet Data Request is posted to the WRB.
    event PostedRequest(uint256 queryId, address from);

    /// Emitted when a Witnet-solved result is reported to the WRB.
    event PostedResult(uint256 queryId, address from);

    /// Emitted when all data related to given query is deleted from the WRB.
    event DeletedQuery(uint256 queryId, address from);
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestBoardReporter.sol
/// @title The Witnet Request Board Reporter interface.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestBoardReporter {
    /// Reports the Witnet-provided result to a previously posted request. 
    /// @dev Will assume `block.timestamp` as the timestamp at which the request was solved.
    /// @dev Fails if:
    /// @dev - the `_queryId` is not in 'Posted' status.
    /// @dev - provided `_drTxHash` is zero;
    /// @dev - length of provided `_result` is zero.
    /// @param _queryId The unique identifier of the data request.
    /// @param _drTxHash The hash of the corresponding data request transaction in Witnet.
    /// @param _result The result itself as bytes.
    function reportResult(
            uint256 _queryId,
            bytes32 _drTxHash,
            bytes calldata _result
        ) external;

    /// Reports the Witnet-provided result to a previously posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if:
    /// @dev - called from unauthorized address;
    /// @dev - the `_queryId` is not in 'Posted' status.
    /// @dev - provided `_drTxHash` is zero;
    /// @dev - length of provided `_result` is zero.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    /// @param _timestamp The timestamp of the solving tally transaction in Witnet.
    /// @param _drTxHash The hash of the corresponding data request transaction in Witnet.
    /// @param _result The result itself as bytes.
    function reportResult(
            uint256 _queryId,
            uint256 _timestamp,
            bytes32 _drTxHash,
            bytes calldata _result
        ) external;

    /// Reports Witnet-provided results to multiple requests within a single EVM tx.
    /// @dev Must emit a PostedResult event for every succesfully reported result.
    /// @param _batchResults Array of BatchResult structs, every one containing:
    ///         - unique query identifier;
    ///         - timestamp of the solving tally txs in Witnet. If zero is provided, EVM-timestamp will be used instead;
    ///         - hash of the corresponding data request tx at the Witnet side-chain level;
    ///         - data request result in raw bytes.
    /// @param _verbose If true, must emit a BatchReportError event for every failing report, if any. 
    function reportResultBatch(BatchResult[] calldata _batchResults, bool _verbose) external;
        struct BatchResult {
            uint256 queryId;
            uint256 timestamp;
            bytes32 drTxHash;
            bytes   cborBytes;

        event BatchReportError(uint256 queryId, string reason);
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequest.sol
/// @title The Witnet Data Request basic interface.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequest {
    /// A `IWitnetRequest` is constructed around a `bytes` value containing 
    /// a well-formed Witnet Data Request using Protocol Buffers.
    function bytecode() external view returns (bytes memory);

    /// Returns SHA256 hash of Witnet Data Request as CBOR-encoded bytes.
    function hash() external view returns (bytes32);
// File: contracts\libs\Witnet.sol
library Witnet {

    /// @notice Witnet function that computes the hash of a CBOR-encoded Data Request.
    /// @param _bytecode CBOR-encoded RADON.
    function hash(bytes memory _bytecode) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
        return sha256(_bytecode);

    /// Struct containing both request and response data related to every query posted to the Witnet Request Board
    struct Query {
        Request request;
        Response response;
        address from;      // Address from which the request was posted.

    /// Possible status of a Witnet query.
    enum QueryStatus {

    /// Data kept in EVM-storage for every Request posted to the Witnet Request Board.
    struct Request {
        IWitnetRequest addr;    // The contract containing the Data Request which execution has been requested.
        address requester;      // Address from which the request was posted.
        bytes32 hash;           // Hash of the Data Request whose execution has been requested.
        uint256 gasprice;       // Minimum gas price the DR resolver should pay on the solving tx.
        uint256 reward;         // Escrowed reward to be paid to the DR resolver.

    /// Data kept in EVM-storage containing Witnet-provided response metadata and result.
    struct Response {
        address reporter;       // Address from which the result was reported.
        uint256 timestamp;      // Timestamp of the Witnet-provided result.
        bytes32 drTxHash;       // Hash of the Witnet transaction that solved the queried Data Request.
        bytes   cborBytes;      // Witnet-provided result CBOR-bytes to the queried Data Request.

    /// Data struct containing the Witnet-provided result to a Data Request.
    struct Result {
        bool success;           // Flag stating whether the request could get solved successfully, or not.
        CBOR value;             // Resulting value, in CBOR-serialized bytes.

    /// Data struct following the RFC-7049 standard: Concise Binary Object Representation.
    struct CBOR {
        Buffer buffer;
        uint8 initialByte;
        uint8 majorType;
        uint8 additionalInformation;
        uint64 len;
        uint64 tag;

    /// Iterable bytes buffer.
    struct Buffer {
        bytes data;
        uint32 cursor;

    /// Witnet error codes table.
    enum ErrorCodes {
        // 0x00: Unknown error. Something went really bad!
        // Script format errors
        /// 0x01: At least one of the source scripts is not a valid CBOR-encoded value.
        /// 0x02: The CBOR value decoded from a source script is not an Array.
        /// 0x03: The Array value decoded form a source script is not a valid Data Request.
        /// Unallocated
        // Complexity errors
        /// 0x10: The request contains too many sources.
        /// 0x11: The script contains too many calls.
        /// Unallocated
        // Operator errors
        /// 0x20: The operator does not exist.
        /// Unallocated
        // Retrieval-specific errors
        /// 0x30: At least one of the sources could not be retrieved, but returned HTTP error.
        /// 0x31: Retrieval of at least one of the sources timed out.
        /// Unallocated
        // Math errors
        /// 0x40: Math operator caused an underflow.
        /// 0x41: Math operator caused an overflow.
        /// 0x42: Tried to divide by zero.
        /// Unallocated
        // Other errors
        /// 0x50: Received zero reveals
        /// 0x51: Insufficient consensus in tally precondition clause
        /// 0x52: Received zero commits
        /// 0x53: Generic error during tally execution
        /// Unallocated
        /// 0x60: Invalid reveal serialization (malformed reveals are converted to this value)
        /// Unallocated
        // Access errors
        /// 0x70: Tried to access a value from an index using an index that is out of bounds
        /// 0x71: Tried to access a value from a map using a key that does not exist
        /// Unallocated
        // Bridge errors: errors that only belong in inter-client communication
        /// 0xE0: Requests that cannot be parsed must always get this error as their result.
        /// However, this is not a valid result in a Tally transaction, because invalid requests
        /// are never included into blocks and therefore never get a Tally in response.
        /// 0xE1: Witnesses exceeds 100
        /// 0xE2: The request is rejected on the grounds that it may cause the submitter to spend or stake an
        /// amount of value that is unjustifiably high when compared with the reward they will be getting
        /// Unallocated
        // This should not exist:
        /// 0xFF: Some tally error is not intercepted but should
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestBoardRequestor.sol
/// @title Witnet Requestor Interface
/// @notice It defines how to interact with the Witnet Request Board in order to:
///   - request the execution of Witnet Radon scripts (data request);
///   - upgrade the resolution reward of any previously posted request, in case gas price raises in mainnet;
///   - read the result of any previously posted request, eventually reported by the Witnet DON.
///   - remove from storage all data related to past and solved data requests, and results.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestBoardRequestor {
    /// Retrieves a copy of all Witnet-provided data related to a previously posted request, removing the whole query from the WRB storage.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status, or called from an address different to
    /// @dev the one that actually posted the given request.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function deleteQuery(uint256 _queryId) external returns (Witnet.Response memory);

    /// Requests the execution of the given Witnet Data Request in expectation that it will be relayed and solved by the Witnet DON.
    /// A reward amount is escrowed by the Witnet Request Board that will be transferred to the reporter who relays back the Witnet-provided 
    /// result to this request.
    /// @dev Fails if:
    /// @dev - provided reward is too low.
    /// @dev - provided script is zero address.
    /// @dev - provided script bytecode is empty.
    /// @param _addr The address of the IWitnetRequest contract that can provide the actual Data Request bytecode.
    /// @return _queryId An unique query identifier.
    function postRequest(IWitnetRequest _addr) external payable returns (uint256 _queryId);

    /// Increments the reward of a previously posted request by adding the transaction value to it.
    /// @dev Updates request `gasPrice` in case this method is called with a higher 
    /// @dev gas price value than the one used in previous calls to `postRequest` or
    /// @dev `upgradeReward`. 
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Posted' status.
    /// @dev Fails also in case the request `gasPrice` is increased, and the new 
    /// @dev reward value gets below new recalculated threshold. 
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function upgradeReward(uint256 _queryId) external payable;
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestBoardView.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board info interface.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestBoardView {
    /// Estimates the amount of reward we need to insert for a given gas price.
    /// @param _gasPrice The gas price for which we need to calculate the rewards.
    function estimateReward(uint256 _gasPrice) external view returns (uint256);

    /// Returns next query id to be generated by the Witnet Request Board.
    function getNextQueryId() external view returns (uint256);

    /// Gets the whole Query data contents, if any, no matter its current status.
    function getQueryData(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (Witnet.Query memory);

    /// Gets current status of given query.
    function getQueryStatus(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (Witnet.QueryStatus);

    /// Retrieves the whole Request record posted to the Witnet Request Board.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid or, if it has already been reported
    /// @dev or deleted.
    /// @param _queryId The unique identifier of a previously posted query.
    function readRequest(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (Witnet.Request memory);

    /// Retrieves the serialized bytecode of a previously posted Witnet Data Request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid, or if the related script bytecode 
    /// @dev got changed after being posted. Returns empty array once it gets reported, 
    /// @dev or deleted.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readRequestBytecode(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (bytes memory);

    /// Retrieves the gas price that any assigned reporter will have to pay when reporting 
    /// result to a previously posted Witnet data request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid or, if it has already been 
    /// @dev reported, or deleted. 
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifie
    function readRequestGasPrice(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (uint256);

    /// Retrieves the reward currently set for the referred query.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid or, if it has already been 
    /// @dev reported, or deleted. 
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readRequestReward(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (uint256);

    /// Retrieves the whole `Witnet.Response` record referred to a previously posted Witnet Data Request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponse(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (Witnet.Response memory);

    /// Retrieves the hash of the Witnet transaction hash that actually solved the referred query.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponseDrTxHash(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (bytes32);    

    /// Retrieves the address that reported the result to a previously-posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponseReporter(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (address);

    /// Retrieves the Witnet-provided CBOR-bytes result of a previously posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponseResult(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (Witnet.Result memory);

    /// Retrieves the timestamp in which the result to the referred query was solved by the Witnet DON.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponseTimestamp(uint256 _queryId) external view returns (uint256);
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestParser.sol
/// @title The Witnet interface for decoding Witnet-provided request to Data Requests.
/// This interface exposes functions to check for the success/failure of
/// a Witnet-provided result, as well as to parse and convert result into
/// Solidity types suitable to the application level. 
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestParser {

    /// Decode raw CBOR bytes into a Witnet.Result instance.
    /// @param _cborBytes Raw bytes representing a CBOR-encoded value.
    /// @return A `Witnet.Result` instance.
    function resultFromCborBytes(bytes memory _cborBytes) external pure returns (Witnet.Result memory);

    /// Decode a CBOR value into a Witnet.Result instance.
    /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
    /// @return A `Witnet.Result` instance.
    function resultFromCborValue(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) external pure returns (Witnet.Result memory);

    /// Tell if a Witnet.Result is successful.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return `true` if successful, `false` if errored.
    function isOk(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (bool);

    /// Tell if a Witnet.Result is errored.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return `true` if errored, `false` if successful.
    function isError(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (bool);

    /// Decode a bytes value from a Witnet.Result as a `bytes` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bytes` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBytes(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (bytes memory);

    /// Decode a bytes value from a Witnet.Result as a `bytes32` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bytes32` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBytes32(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (bytes32);

    /// Decode an error code from a Witnet.Result as a member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes`.
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return The `CBORValue.Error memory` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asErrorCode(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes);

    /// Generate a suitable error message for a member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes` and its corresponding arguments.
    /// @dev WARN: Note that client contracts should wrap this function into a try-catch foreseing potential errors generated in this function
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return A tuple containing the `CBORValue.Error memory` decoded from the `Witnet.Result`, plus a loggable error message.
    function asErrorMessage(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes, string memory);

    /// Decode a raw error from a `Witnet.Result` as a `uint64[]`.
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return The `uint64[]` raw error as decoded from the `Witnet.Result`.
    function asRawError(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns(uint64[] memory);

    /// Decode a boolean value from a Witnet.Result as an `bool` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bool` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBool(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (bool);

    /// Decode a fixed16 (half-precision) numeric value from a Witnet.Result as an `int32` value.
    /// @dev Due to the lack of support for floating or fixed point arithmetic in the EVM, this method offsets all values.
    /// by 5 decimal orders so as to get a fixed precision of 5 decimal positions, which should be OK for most `fixed16`.
    /// use cases. In other words, the output of this method is 10,000 times the actual value, encoded into an `int32`.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asFixed16(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (int32);

    /// Decode an array of fixed16 values from a Witnet.Result as an `int128[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asFixed16Array(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (int32[] memory);

    /// Decode a integer numeric value from a Witnet.Result as an `int128` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asInt128(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (int128);

    /// Decode an array of integer numeric values from a Witnet.Result as an `int128[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asInt128Array(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (int128[] memory);

    /// Decode a string value from a Witnet.Result as a `string` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `string` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asString(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (string memory);

    /// Decode an array of string values from a Witnet.Result as a `string[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `string[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asStringArray(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (string[] memory);

    /// Decode a natural numeric value from a Witnet.Result as a `uint64` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `uint64` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asUint64(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns(uint64);

    /// Decode an array of natural numeric values from a Witnet.Result as a `uint64[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `uint64[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asUint64Array(Witnet.Result memory _result) external pure returns (uint64[] memory);

// File: contracts\WitnetRequestBoard.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board functionality base contract.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
abstract contract WitnetRequestBoard is
    receive() external payable {
        revert("WitnetRequestBoard: no transfers accepted");
// File: contracts\patterns\Proxiable.sol
interface Proxiable {
    /// @dev Complying with EIP-1822: Universal Upgradable Proxy Standard (UUPS)
    /// @dev See
    function proxiableUUID() external pure returns (bytes32);
// File: contracts\patterns\Initializable.sol
interface Initializable {
    /// @dev Initialize contract's storage context.
    function initialize(bytes calldata) external;
// File: contracts\patterns\Upgradable.sol
/* solhint-disable var-name-mixedcase */

abstract contract Upgradable is Initializable, Proxiable {

    address internal immutable _BASE;
    bytes32 internal immutable _CODEHASH;
    bool internal immutable _UPGRADABLE;

    /// Emitted every time the contract gets upgraded.
    /// @param from The address who ordered the upgrading. Namely, the WRB operator in "trustable" implementations.
    /// @param baseAddr The address of the new implementation contract.
    /// @param baseCodehash The EVM-codehash of the new implementation contract.
    /// @param versionTag Ascii-encoded version literal with which the implementation deployer decided to tag it.
    event Upgraded(
        address indexed from,
        address indexed baseAddr,
        bytes32 indexed baseCodehash,
        bytes32 versionTag

    constructor (bool _isUpgradable) {
        address _base = address(this);
        bytes32 _codehash;        
        assembly {
            _codehash := extcodehash(_base)
        _BASE = _base;
        _CODEHASH = _codehash;        
        _UPGRADABLE = _isUpgradable;

    /// @dev Tells whether provided address could eventually upgrade the contract.
    function isUpgradableFrom(address from) virtual external view returns (bool);

    /// TODO: the following methods should be all declared as pure 
    ///       whenever this Solidity's PR gets merged and released: 

    /// @dev Retrieves base contract. Differs from address(this) when via delegate-proxy pattern.
    function base() public view returns (address) {
        return _BASE;

    /// @dev Retrieves the immutable codehash of this contract, even if invoked as delegatecall.
    /// @return _codehash This contracts immutable codehash.
    function codehash() public view returns (bytes32 _codehash) {
        return _CODEHASH;
    /// @dev Determines whether current instance allows being upgraded.
    /// @dev Returned value should be invariant from whoever is calling.
    function isUpgradable() public view returns (bool) {        
        return _UPGRADABLE;

    /// @dev Retrieves human-redable named version of current implementation.
    function version() virtual public view returns (bytes32); 
// File: contracts\impls\WitnetProxy.sol
/// @title WitnetProxy: upgradable delegate-proxy contract that routes Witnet data requests coming from a 
/// `UsingWitnet`-inheriting contract to a currently active `WitnetRequestBoard` implementation. 
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
contract WitnetProxy {

    struct WitnetProxySlot {
        address implementation;

    /// Event emitted every time the implementation gets updated.
    event Upgraded(address indexed implementation);  

    /// Constructor with no params as to ease eventual support of Singleton pattern (i.e. ERC-2470).
    constructor () {}

    /// WitnetProxies will never accept direct transfer of ETHs.
    receive() external payable {
        revert("WitnetProxy: no transfers accepted");

    /// Payable fallback accepts delegating calls to payable functions.  
    fallback() external payable { /* solhint-disable no-complex-fallback */
        address _implementation = implementation();

        assembly { /* solhint-disable avoid-low-level-calls */
            // Gas optimized delegate call to 'implementation' contract.
            // Note: ``, `msg.sender` and `msg.value` will be passed over 
            //       to actual implementation of `msg.sig` within `implementation` contract.
            let ptr := mload(0x40)
            calldatacopy(ptr, 0, calldatasize())
            let result := delegatecall(gas(), _implementation, ptr, calldatasize(), 0, 0)
            let size := returndatasize()
            returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size)
            switch result
                case 0  { 
                    // pass back revert message:
                    revert(ptr, size) 
                default {
                  // pass back same data as returned by 'implementation' contract:
                  return(ptr, size) 

    /// Returns proxy's current implementation address.
    function implementation() public view returns (address) {
        return _proxySlot().implementation;

    /// Upgrades the `implementation` address.
    /// @param _newImplementation New implementation address.
    /// @param _initData Raw data with which new implementation will be initialized.
    /// @return Returns whether new implementation would be further upgradable, or not.
    function upgradeTo(address _newImplementation, bytes memory _initData)
        public returns (bool)
        // New implementation cannot be null:
        require(_newImplementation != address(0), "WitnetProxy: null implementation");

        address _oldImplementation = implementation();
        if (_oldImplementation != address(0)) {
            // New implementation address must differ from current one:
            require(_newImplementation != _oldImplementation, "WitnetProxy: nothing to upgrade");

            // Assert whether current implementation is intrinsically upgradable:
            try Upgradable(_oldImplementation).isUpgradable() returns (bool _isUpgradable) {
                require(_isUpgradable, "WitnetProxy: not upgradable");
            } catch {
                revert("WitnetProxy: unable to check upgradability");

            // Assert whether current implementation allows `msg.sender` to upgrade the proxy:
            (bool _wasCalled, bytes memory _result) = _oldImplementation.delegatecall(
            require(_wasCalled, "WitnetProxy: not compliant");
            require(abi.decode(_result, (bool)), "WitnetProxy: not authorized");
                Upgradable(_oldImplementation).proxiableUUID() == Upgradable(_newImplementation).proxiableUUID(),
                "WitnetProxy: proxiableUUIDs mismatch"

        // Initialize new implementation within proxy-context storage:
        (bool _wasInitialized,) = _newImplementation.delegatecall(
        require(_wasInitialized, "WitnetProxy: unable to initialize");

        // If all checks and initialization pass, update implementation address:
        _proxySlot().implementation = _newImplementation;
        emit Upgraded(_newImplementation);

        // Asserts new implementation complies w/ minimal implementation of Upgradable interface:
        try Upgradable(_newImplementation).isUpgradable() returns (bool _isUpgradable) {
            return _isUpgradable;
        catch {
            revert ("WitnetProxy: not compliant");

    /// @dev Complying with EIP-1967, retrieves storage struct containing proxy's current implementation address.
    function _proxySlot() private pure returns (WitnetProxySlot storage _slot) {
        assembly {
            // bytes32(uint256(keccak256('eip1967.proxy.implementation')) - 1)
            _slot.slot := 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc

// File: contracts\impls\WitnetRequestBoardUpgradableBase.sol
/* solhint-disable var-name-mixedcase */

// Inherits from:

// Eventual deployment dependencies:

/// @title Witnet Request Board base contract, with an Upgradable (and Destructible) touch.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
abstract contract WitnetRequestBoardUpgradableBase
    bytes32 internal immutable _VERSION;

            bool _upgradable,
            bytes32 _versionTag
        _VERSION = _versionTag;

    /// @dev Reverts if proxy delegatecalls to unexistent method.
    fallback() external payable {
        revert("WitnetRequestBoardUpgradableBase: not implemented");

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Overrides 'Proxiable' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// @dev Gets immutable "heritage blood line" (ie. genotype) as a Proxiable, and eventually Upgradable, contract.
    ///      If implemented as an Upgradable touch, upgrading this contract to another one with a different 
    ///      `proxiableUUID()` value should fail.
    function proxiableUUID() external pure override returns (bytes32) {
        return (
            /* keccak256("io.witnet.proxiable.board") */

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Overrides 'Upgradable' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Retrieves human-readable version tag of current implementation.
    function version() public view override returns (bytes32) {
        return _VERSION;

// File: contracts\data\WitnetBoardData.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board base data model. 
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
abstract contract WitnetBoardData {  

    bytes32 internal constant _WITNET_BOARD_DATA_SLOTHASH =
        /* keccak256("") */

    struct WitnetBoardState {
        address base;
        address owner;    
        uint256 numQueries;
        mapping (uint => Witnet.Query) queries;

    constructor() {
        _state().owner = msg.sender;

    /// Asserts the given query is currently in the given status.
    modifier inStatus(uint256 _queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus _status) {
          _getQueryStatus(_queryId) == _status,

    /// Asserts the given query was previously posted and that it was not yet deleted.
    modifier notDeleted(uint256 _queryId) {
        require(_queryId > 0 && _queryId <= _state().numQueries, "WitnetBoardData: not yet posted");
        require(_getRequester(_queryId) != address(0), "WitnetBoardData: deleted");

    /// Asserts caller corresponds to the current owner. 
    modifier onlyOwner {
        require(msg.sender == _state().owner, "WitnetBoardData: only owner");

    /// Asserts the give query was actually posted before calling this method.
    modifier wasPosted(uint256 _queryId) {
        require(_queryId > 0 && _queryId <= _state().numQueries, "WitnetBoardData: not yet posted");

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Gets current status of given query.
    function _getQueryStatus(uint256 _queryId)
      internal view
      returns (Witnet.QueryStatus)
      if (_queryId == 0 || _queryId > _state().numQueries) {
        // "Unknown" status if queryId is out of range:
        return Witnet.QueryStatus.Unknown;
      else {
        Witnet.Query storage _query = _state().queries[_queryId];
        if (_query.response.drTxHash != 0) {
          // Query is in "Reported" status as soon as the hash of the
          // Witnet transaction that solved the query is reported
          // back from a Witnet bridge:
          return Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported;
        else if (_query.from != address(0)) {
          // Otherwise, while address from which the query was posted
          // is kept in storage, the query remains in "Posted" status:
          return Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted;
        else {
          // Requester's address is removed from storage only if
          // the query gets "Deleted" by its requester.
          return Witnet.QueryStatus.Deleted;

    function _getQueryStatusRevertMessage(Witnet.QueryStatus _status)
      internal pure
      returns (string memory)
      if (_status == Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted) {
        return "WitnetBoardData: not in Posted status";
      } else if (_status == Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported) {
        return "WitnetBoardData: not in Reported status";
      } else if (_status == Witnet.QueryStatus.Deleted) {
        return "WitnetBoardData: not in Deleted status";
      } else {
        return "WitnetBoardData: bad mood";

    /// Gets from of a given query.
    function _getRequester(uint256 _queryId)
      internal view
      returns (address)
      return _state().queries[_queryId].from;

    /// Gets the Witnet.Request part of a given query.
    function _getRequestData(uint256 _queryId)
      internal view
      returns (Witnet.Request storage)
        return _state().queries[_queryId].request;

    /// Gets the Witnet.Result part of a given query.
    function _getResponseData(uint256 _queryId)
      internal view
      returns (Witnet.Response storage)
        return _state().queries[_queryId].response;

    /// Returns storage pointer to contents of 'WitnetBoardState' struct.
    function _state()
      internal pure
      returns (WitnetBoardState storage _ptr)
        assembly {
            _ptr.slot := _WITNET_BOARD_DATA_SLOTHASH

// File: contracts\data\WitnetBoardDataACLs.sol
/// @title Witnet Access Control Lists storage layout, for Witnet-trusted request boards.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
abstract contract WitnetBoardDataACLs
    bytes32 internal constant _WITNET_BOARD_ACLS_SLOTHASH =
        /* keccak256("") */

    struct WitnetBoardACLs {
        mapping (address => bool) isReporter_;

    constructor() {
        _acls().isReporter_[msg.sender] = true;

    modifier onlyReporters {
            "WitnetBoardDataACLs: unauthorized reporter"

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function _acls() internal pure returns (WitnetBoardACLs storage _struct) {
        assembly {
            _struct.slot := _WITNET_BOARD_ACLS_SLOTHASH
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestBoardAdmin.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board basic administration interface.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestBoardAdmin {
    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed from, address indexed to);

    /// Gets admin/owner address.
    function owner() external view returns (address);

    /// Transfers ownership.
    function transferOwnership(address) external;
// File: contracts\interfaces\IWitnetRequestBoardAdminACLs.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board ACLs administration interface.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
interface IWitnetRequestBoardAdminACLs {
    event ReportersSet(address[] reporters);
    event ReportersUnset(address[] reporters);

    /// Tells whether given address is included in the active reporters control list.
    function isReporter(address) external view returns (bool);

    /// Adds given addresses to the active reporters control list.
    /// @dev Can only be called from the owner address.
    /// @dev Emits the `ReportersSet` event. 
    function setReporters(address[] calldata reporters) external;

    /// Removes given addresses from the active reporters control list.
    /// @dev Can only be called from the owner address.
    /// @dev Emits the `ReportersUnset` event. 
    function unsetReporters(address[] calldata reporters) external;
// File: contracts\libs\WitnetBuffer.sol
/// @title A convenient wrapper around the `bytes memory` type that exposes a buffer-like interface
/// @notice The buffer has an inner cursor that tracks the final offset of every read, i.e. any subsequent read will
/// start with the byte that goes right after the last one in the previous read.
/// @dev `uint32` is used here for `cursor` because `uint16` would only enable seeking up to 8KB, which could in some
/// theoretical use cases be exceeded. Conversely, `uint32` supports up to 512MB, which cannot credibly be exceeded.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
library WitnetBuffer {

  // Ensures we access an existing index in an array
  modifier notOutOfBounds(uint32 index, uint256 length) {
    require(index < length, "WitnetBuffer: Tried to read from a consumed Buffer (must rewind it first)");

  /// @notice Read and consume a certain amount of bytes from the buffer.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @param _length How many bytes to read and consume from the buffer.
  /// @return A `bytes memory` containing the first `_length` bytes from the buffer, counting from the cursor position.
  function read(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer, uint32 _length) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
    // Make sure not to read out of the bounds of the original bytes
    require(_buffer.cursor + _length <=, "WitnetBuffer: Not enough bytes in buffer when reading");

    // Create a new `bytes memory destination` value
    bytes memory destination = new bytes(_length);

    // Early return in case that bytes length is 0
    if (_length != 0) {
      bytes memory source =;
      uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;

      // Get raw pointers for source and destination
      uint sourcePointer;
      uint destinationPointer;
      assembly {
        sourcePointer := add(add(source, 32), offset)
        destinationPointer := add(destination, 32)
      // Copy `_length` bytes from source to destination
      memcpy(destinationPointer, sourcePointer, uint(_length));

      // Move the cursor forward by `_length` bytes
      seek(_buffer, _length, true);
    return destination;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next byte from the buffer.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The next byte in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function next(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor, returns (bytes1) {
    // Return the byte at the position marked by the cursor and advance the cursor all at once

  /// @notice Move the inner cursor of the buffer to a relative or absolute position.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @param _offset How many bytes to move the cursor forward.
  /// @param _relative Whether to count `_offset` from the last position of the cursor (`true`) or the beginning of the
  /// buffer (`true`).
  /// @return The final position of the cursor (will equal `_offset` if `_relative` is `false`).
  // solium-disable-next-line security/no-assign-params
  function seek(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer, uint32 _offset, bool _relative) internal pure returns (uint32) {
    // Deal with relative offsets
    if (_relative) {
      require(_offset + _buffer.cursor > _offset, "WitnetBuffer: Integer overflow when seeking");
      _offset += _buffer.cursor;
    // Make sure not to read out of the bounds of the original bytes
    require(_offset <=, "WitnetBuffer: Not enough bytes in buffer when seeking");
    _buffer.cursor = _offset;
    return _buffer.cursor;

  /// @notice Move the inner cursor a number of bytes forward.
  /// @dev This is a simple wrapper around the relative offset case of `seek()`.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @param _relativeOffset How many bytes to move the cursor forward.
  /// @return The final position of the cursor.
  function seek(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer, uint32 _relativeOffset) internal pure returns (uint32) {
    return seek(_buffer, _relativeOffset, true);

  /// @notice Move the inner cursor back to the first byte in the buffer.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  function rewind(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure {
    _buffer.cursor = 0;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next byte from the buffer as an `uint8`.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The `uint8` value of the next byte in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function readUint8(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor, returns (uint8) {
    bytes memory bytesValue =;
    uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;
    uint8 value;
    assembly {
      value := mload(add(add(bytesValue, 1), offset))

    return value;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next 2 bytes from the buffer as an `uint16`.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The `uint16` value of the next 2 bytes in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function readUint16(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor + 1, returns (uint16) {
    bytes memory bytesValue =;
    uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;
    uint16 value;
    assembly {
      value := mload(add(add(bytesValue, 2), offset))
    _buffer.cursor += 2;

    return value;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next 4 bytes from the buffer as an `uint32`.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The `uint32` value of the next 4 bytes in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function readUint32(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor + 3, returns (uint32) {
    bytes memory bytesValue =;
    uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;
    uint32 value;
    assembly {
      value := mload(add(add(bytesValue, 4), offset))
    _buffer.cursor += 4;

    return value;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next 8 bytes from the buffer as an `uint64`.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The `uint64` value of the next 8 bytes in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function readUint64(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor + 7, returns (uint64) {
    bytes memory bytesValue =;
    uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;
    uint64 value;
    assembly {
      value := mload(add(add(bytesValue, 8), offset))
    _buffer.cursor += 8;

    return value;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next 16 bytes from the buffer as an `uint128`.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The `uint128` value of the next 16 bytes in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function readUint128(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor + 15, returns (uint128) {
    bytes memory bytesValue =;
    uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;
    uint128 value;
    assembly {
      value := mload(add(add(bytesValue, 16), offset))
    _buffer.cursor += 16;

    return value;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next 32 bytes from the buffer as an `uint256`.
  /// @return The `uint256` value of the next 32 bytes in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  function readUint256(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure notOutOfBounds(_buffer.cursor + 31, returns (uint256) {
    bytes memory bytesValue =;
    uint32 offset = _buffer.cursor;
    uint256 value;
    assembly {
      value := mload(add(add(bytesValue, 32), offset))
    _buffer.cursor += 32;

    return value;

  /// @notice Read and consume the next 2 bytes from the buffer as an IEEE 754-2008 floating point number enclosed in an
  /// `int32`.
  /// @dev Due to the lack of support for floating or fixed point arithmetic in the EVM, this method offsets all values
  /// by 5 decimal orders so as to get a fixed precision of 5 decimal positions, which should be OK for most `float16`
  /// use cases. In other words, the integer output of this method is 10,000 times the actual value. The input bytes are
  /// expected to follow the 16-bit base-2 format (a.k.a. `binary16`) in the IEEE 754-2008 standard.
  /// @param _buffer An instance of `Witnet.Buffer`.
  /// @return The `uint32` value of the next 4 bytes in the buffer counting from the cursor position.
  function readFloat16(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) internal pure returns (int32) {
    uint32 bytesValue = readUint16(_buffer);
    // Get bit at position 0
    uint32 sign = bytesValue & 0x8000;
    // Get bits 1 to 5, then normalize to the [-14, 15] range so as to counterweight the IEEE 754 exponent bias
    int32 exponent = (int32(bytesValue & 0x7c00) >> 10) - 15;
    // Get bits 6 to 15
    int32 significand = int32(bytesValue & 0x03ff);

    // Add 1024 to the fraction if the exponent is 0
    if (exponent == 15) {
      significand |= 0x400;

    // Compute `2 ^ exponent · (1 + fraction / 1024)`
    int32 result = 0;
    if (exponent >= 0) {
      result = int32((int256(1 << uint256(int256(exponent))) * 10000 * int256(uint256(int256(significand)) | 0x400)) >> 10);
    } else {
      result = int32(((int256(uint256(int256(significand)) | 0x400) * 10000) / int256(1 << uint256(int256(- exponent)))) >> 10);

    // Make the result negative if the sign bit is not 0
    if (sign != 0) {
      result *= - 1;
    return result;

  /// @notice Copy bytes from one memory address into another.
  /// @dev This function was borrowed from Nick Johnson's `solidity-stringutils` lib, and reproduced here under the terms
  /// of [Apache License 2.0](
  /// @param _dest Address of the destination memory.
  /// @param _src Address to the source memory.
  /// @param _len How many bytes to copy.
  // solium-disable-next-line security/no-assign-params
  function memcpy(uint _dest, uint _src, uint _len) private pure {
    require(_len > 0, "WitnetBuffer: Cannot copy 0 bytes");

    // Copy word-length chunks while possible
    for (; _len >= 32; _len -= 32) {
      assembly {
        mstore(_dest, mload(_src))
      _dest += 32;
      _src += 32;
    if (_len > 0) {
      // Copy remaining bytes
      uint mask = 256 ** (32 - _len) - 1;
      assembly {
        let srcpart := and(mload(_src), not(mask))
        let destpart := and(mload(_dest), mask)
        mstore(_dest, or(destpart, srcpart))

// File: contracts\libs\WitnetDecoderLib.sol
/// @title A minimalistic implementation of “RFC 7049 Concise Binary Object Representation”
/// @notice This library leverages a buffer-like structure for step-by-step decoding of bytes so as to minimize
/// the gas cost of decoding them into a useful native type.
/// @dev Most of the logic has been borrowed from Patrick Gansterer’s cbor.js library:
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
/// TODO: add support for Array (majorType = 4)
/// TODO: add support for Map (majorType = 5)
/// TODO: add support for Float32 (majorType = 7, additionalInformation = 26)
/// TODO: add support for Float64 (majorType = 7, additionalInformation = 27) 

library WitnetDecoderLib {

  using WitnetBuffer for Witnet.Buffer;

  uint32 constant internal _UINT32_MAX = type(uint32).max;
  uint64 constant internal _UINT64_MAX = type(uint64).max;

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `bool` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as a `bool` value.
  function decodeBool(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(bool) {
    _cborValue.len = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 7, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read a `bool` value from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType != 7");
    if (_cborValue.len == 20) {
      return false;
    } else if (_cborValue.len == 21) {
      return true;
    } else {
      revert("WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `bool` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with len different than 20 or 21");

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `bytes` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as a `bytes` value.   
  function decodeBytes(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(bytes memory) {
    _cborValue.len = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    if (_cborValue.len == _UINT32_MAX) {
      bytes memory bytesData;

      // These checks look repetitive but the equivalent loop would be more expensive.
      uint32 itemLength = uint32(readIndefiniteStringLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.majorType));
      if (itemLength < _UINT32_MAX) {
        bytesData = abi.encodePacked(bytesData,;
        itemLength = uint32(readIndefiniteStringLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.majorType));
        if (itemLength < _UINT32_MAX) {
          bytesData = abi.encodePacked(bytesData,;
      return bytesData;
    } else {

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `bytes32` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return _bytes32 The value represented by the input, as a `bytes32` value.
  function decodeBytes32(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(bytes32 _bytes32) {
    bytes memory _bb = decodeBytes(_cborValue);
    uint _len = _bb.length > 32 ? 32 : _bb.length;
    for (uint _i = 0; _i < _len; _i ++) {
        _bytes32 |= bytes32(_bb[_i] & 0xff) >> (_i * 8);

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a `fixed16` value.
  /// @dev Due to the lack of support for floating or fixed point arithmetic in the EVM, this method offsets all values
  /// by 5 decimal orders so as to get a fixed precision of 5 decimal positions, which should be OK for most `fixed16`
  /// use cases. In other words, the output of this method is 10,000 times the actual value, encoded into an `int32`.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `int128` value.
  function decodeFixed16(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(int32) {
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 7, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read a `fixed` value from a `WT.CBOR` with majorType != 7");
    require(_cborValue.additionalInformation == 25, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `fixed16` from a `WT.CBOR` with additionalInformation != 25");
    return _cborValue.buffer.readFloat16();

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `int128[]` value whose inner values follow the same convention.
  /// as explained in `decodeFixed16`.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `int128[]` value.
  function decodeFixed16Array(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) external pure returns(int32[] memory) {
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 4, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `int128[]` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType != 4");

    uint64 length = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    require(length < _UINT64_MAX, "WitnetDecoderLib: Indefinite-length CBOR arrays are not supported");

    int32[] memory array = new int32[](length);
    for (uint64 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      Witnet.CBOR memory item = valueFromBuffer(_cborValue.buffer);
      array[i] = decodeFixed16(item);

    return array;

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `int128` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `int128` value.
  function decodeInt128(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(int128) {
    if (_cborValue.majorType == 1) {
      uint64 length = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
      return int128(-1) - int128(uint128(length));
    } else if (_cborValue.majorType == 0) {
      // Any `uint64` can be safely casted to `int128`, so this method supports majorType 1 as well so as to have offer
      // a uniform API for positive and negative numbers
      return int128(uint128(decodeUint64(_cborValue)));
    revert("WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `int128` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType not 0 or 1");

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `int128[]` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `int128[]` value.
  function decodeInt128Array(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) external pure returns(int128[] memory) {
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 4, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `int128[]` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType != 4");

    uint64 length = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    require(length < _UINT64_MAX, "WitnetDecoderLib: Indefinite-length CBOR arrays are not supported");

    int128[] memory array = new int128[](length);
    for (uint64 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      Witnet.CBOR memory item = valueFromBuffer(_cborValue.buffer);
      array[i] = decodeInt128(item);

    return array;

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `string` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as a `string` value.
  function decodeString(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(string memory) {
    _cborValue.len = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    if (_cborValue.len == _UINT64_MAX) {
      bytes memory textData;
      bool done;
      while (!done) {
        uint64 itemLength = readIndefiniteStringLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.majorType);
        if (itemLength < _UINT64_MAX) {
          textData = abi.encodePacked(textData, readText(_cborValue.buffer, itemLength / 4));
        } else {
          done = true;
      return string(textData);
    } else {
      return string(readText(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.len));

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `string[]` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `string[]` value.
  function decodeStringArray(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) external pure returns(string[] memory) {
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 4, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `string[]` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType != 4");

    uint64 length = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    require(length < _UINT64_MAX, "WitnetDecoderLib: Indefinite-length CBOR arrays are not supported");

    string[] memory array = new string[](length);
    for (uint64 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      Witnet.CBOR memory item = valueFromBuffer(_cborValue.buffer);
      array[i] = decodeString(item);

    return array;

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `uint64` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `uint64` value.
  function decodeUint64(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) public pure returns(uint64) {
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 0, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `uint64` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType != 0");
    return readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);

  /// @notice Decode a `Witnet.CBOR` structure into a native `uint64[]` value.
  /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
  /// @return The value represented by the input, as an `uint64[]` value.
  function decodeUint64Array(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue) external pure returns(uint64[] memory) {
    require(_cborValue.majorType == 4, "WitnetDecoderLib: Tried to read `uint64[]` from a `Witnet.CBOR` with majorType != 4");

    uint64 length = readLength(_cborValue.buffer, _cborValue.additionalInformation);
    require(length < _UINT64_MAX, "WitnetDecoderLib: Indefinite-length CBOR arrays are not supported");

    uint64[] memory array = new uint64[](length);
    for (uint64 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      Witnet.CBOR memory item = valueFromBuffer(_cborValue.buffer);
      array[i] = decodeUint64(item);

    return array;

  /// @notice Decode a Witnet.CBOR structure from raw bytes.
  /// @dev This is the main factory for Witnet.CBOR instances, which can be later decoded into native EVM types.
  /// @param _cborBytes Raw bytes representing a CBOR-encoded value.
  /// @return A `Witnet.CBOR` instance containing a partially decoded value.
  function valueFromBytes(bytes memory _cborBytes) external pure returns(Witnet.CBOR memory) {
    Witnet.Buffer memory buffer = Witnet.Buffer(_cborBytes, 0);

    return valueFromBuffer(buffer);

  /// @notice Decode a Witnet.CBOR structure from raw bytes.
  /// @dev This is an alternate factory for Witnet.CBOR instances, which can be later decoded into native EVM types.
  /// @param _buffer A Buffer structure representing a CBOR-encoded value.
  /// @return A `Witnet.CBOR` instance containing a partially decoded value.
  function valueFromBuffer(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer) public pure returns(Witnet.CBOR memory) {
    require( > 0, "WitnetDecoderLib: Found empty buffer when parsing CBOR value");

    uint8 initialByte;
    uint8 majorType = 255;
    uint8 additionalInformation;
    uint64 tag = _UINT64_MAX;

    bool isTagged = true;
    while (isTagged) {
      // Extract basic CBOR properties from input bytes
      initialByte = _buffer.readUint8();
      majorType = initialByte >> 5;
      additionalInformation = initialByte & 0x1f;

      // Early CBOR tag parsing.
      if (majorType == 6) {
        tag = readLength(_buffer, additionalInformation);
      } else {
        isTagged = false;

    require(majorType <= 7, "WitnetDecoderLib: Invalid CBOR major type");

    return Witnet.CBOR(

  /// Reads the length of the next CBOR item from a buffer, consuming a different number of bytes depending on the
  /// value of the `additionalInformation` argument.
  function readLength(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer, uint8 additionalInformation) private pure returns(uint64) {
    if (additionalInformation < 24) {
      return additionalInformation;
    if (additionalInformation == 24) {
      return _buffer.readUint8();
    if (additionalInformation == 25) {
      return _buffer.readUint16();
    if (additionalInformation == 26) {
      return _buffer.readUint32();
    if (additionalInformation == 27) {
      return _buffer.readUint64();
    if (additionalInformation == 31) {
      return _UINT64_MAX;
    revert("WitnetDecoderLib: Invalid length encoding (non-existent additionalInformation value)");

  /// Read the length of a CBOR indifinite-length item (arrays, maps, byte strings and text) from a buffer, consuming
  /// as many bytes as specified by the first byte.
  function readIndefiniteStringLength(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer, uint8 majorType) private pure returns(uint64) {
    uint8 initialByte = _buffer.readUint8();
    if (initialByte == 0xff) {
      return _UINT64_MAX;
    uint64 length = readLength(_buffer, initialByte & 0x1f);
    require(length < _UINT64_MAX && (initialByte >> 5) == majorType, "WitnetDecoderLib: Invalid indefinite length");
    return length;

  /// Read a text string of a given length from a buffer. Returns a `bytes memory` value for the sake of genericness,
  /// but it can be easily casted into a string with `string(result)`.
  // solium-disable-next-line security/no-assign-params
  function readText(Witnet.Buffer memory _buffer, uint64 _length) private pure returns(bytes memory) {
    bytes memory result;
    for (uint64 index = 0; index < _length; index++) {
      uint8 value = _buffer.readUint8();
      if (value & 0x80 != 0) {
        if (value < 0xe0) {
          value = (value & 0x1f) << 6 |
            (_buffer.readUint8() & 0x3f);
          _length -= 1;
        } else if (value < 0xf0) {
          value = (value & 0x0f) << 12 |
            (_buffer.readUint8() & 0x3f) << 6 |
            (_buffer.readUint8() & 0x3f);
          _length -= 2;
        } else {
          value = (value & 0x0f) << 18 |
            (_buffer.readUint8() & 0x3f) << 12 |
            (_buffer.readUint8() & 0x3f) << 6  |
            (_buffer.readUint8() & 0x3f);
          _length -= 3;
      result = abi.encodePacked(result, value);
    return result;
// File: contracts\libs\WitnetParserLib.sol
/// @title A library for decoding Witnet request results
/// @notice The library exposes functions to check the Witnet request success.
/// and retrieve Witnet results from CBOR values into solidity types.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation.
library WitnetParserLib {

    using WitnetDecoderLib for bytes;
    using WitnetDecoderLib for Witnet.CBOR;

    /// @notice Decode raw CBOR bytes into a Witnet.Result instance.
    /// @param _cborBytes Raw bytes representing a CBOR-encoded value.
    /// @return A `Witnet.Result` instance.
    function resultFromCborBytes(bytes calldata _cborBytes)
        external pure
        returns (Witnet.Result memory)
        Witnet.CBOR memory cborValue = _cborBytes.valueFromBytes();
        return resultFromCborValue(cborValue);

    /// @notice Decode a CBOR value into a Witnet.Result instance.
    /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.Value`.
    /// @return A `Witnet.Result` instance.
    function resultFromCborValue(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue)
        public pure
        returns (Witnet.Result memory)    
        // Witnet uses CBOR tag 39 to represent RADON error code identifiers.
        // [CBOR tag 39] Identifiers for CBOR:
        bool success = _cborValue.tag != 39;
        return Witnet.Result(success, _cborValue);

    /// @notice Tell if a Witnet.Result is successful.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return `true` if successful, `false` if errored.
    function isOk(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bool)
        return _result.success;

    /// @notice Tell if a Witnet.Result is errored.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return `true` if errored, `false` if successful.
    function isError(Witnet.Result memory _result)
      external pure
      returns (bool)
        return !_result.success;

    /// @notice Decode a bytes value from a Witnet.Result as a `bytes` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bytes` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBytes(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns(bytes memory)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read bytes value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeBytes();

    /// @notice Decode a bytes value from a Witnet.Result as a `bytes32` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bytes32` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBytes32(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: tried to read bytes32 value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeBytes32();

    /// @notice Decode an error code from a Witnet.Result as a member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes`.
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return The `CBORValue.Error memory` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asErrorCode(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes)
        uint64[] memory error = asRawError(_result);
        if (error.length == 0) {
            return Witnet.ErrorCodes.Unknown;
        return _supportedErrorOrElseUnknown(error[0]);

    /// @notice Generate a suitable error message for a member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes` and its corresponding arguments.
    /// @dev WARN: Note that client contracts should wrap this function into a try-catch foreseing potential errors generated in this function
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return A tuple containing the `CBORValue.Error memory` decoded from the `Witnet.Result`, plus a loggable error message.
    function asErrorMessage(Witnet.Result memory _result)
      public pure
      returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes, string memory)
        uint64[] memory error = asRawError(_result);
        if (error.length == 0) {
            return (Witnet.ErrorCodes.Unknown, "Unknown error (no error code)");
        Witnet.ErrorCodes errorCode = _supportedErrorOrElseUnknown(error[0]);
        bytes memory errorMessage;

        if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.SourceScriptNotCBOR && error.length >= 2) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Source script #",
                " was not a valid CBOR value"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.SourceScriptNotArray && error.length >= 2) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "The CBOR value in script #",
                " was not an Array of calls"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.SourceScriptNotRADON && error.length >= 2) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "The CBOR value in script #",
                " was not a valid Data Request"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.RequestTooManySources && error.length >= 2) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "The request contained too many sources (", 
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.ScriptTooManyCalls && error.length >= 4) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Script #",
                " from the ",
                " stage contained too many calls (",
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.UnsupportedOperator && error.length >= 5) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Operator code 0x",
                " found at call #",
                " in script #",
                " from ",
                " stage is not supported"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.HTTP && error.length >= 3) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Source #",
                " could not be retrieved. Failed with HTTP error code: ",
                _utoa(error[2] / 100),
                _utoa(error[2] % 100 / 10),
                _utoa(error[2] % 10)
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.RetrievalTimeout && error.length >= 2) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Source #",
                " could not be retrieved because of a timeout"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.Underflow && error.length >= 5) {
              errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Underflow at operator code 0x",
                " found at call #",
                " in script #",
                " from ",
                " stage"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.Overflow && error.length >= 5) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Overflow at operator code 0x",
                " found at call #",
                " in script #",
                " from ",
                " stage"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.DivisionByZero && error.length >= 5) {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked(
                "Division by zero at operator code 0x",
                " found at call #",
                " in script #",
                " from ",
                " stage"
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.BridgeMalformedRequest) {
            errorMessage = "The structure of the request is invalid and it cannot be parsed";
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.BridgePoorIncentives) {
            errorMessage = "The request has been rejected by the bridge node due to poor incentives";
        } else if (errorCode == Witnet.ErrorCodes.BridgeOversizedResult) {
            errorMessage = "The request result length exceeds a bridge contract defined limit";
        } else {
            errorMessage = abi.encodePacked("Unknown error (0x", _utohex(error[0]), ")");
        return (errorCode, string(errorMessage));

    /// @notice Decode a raw error from a `Witnet.Result` as a `uint64[]`.
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return The `uint64[]` raw error as decoded from the `Witnet.Result`.
    function asRawError(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        public pure
        returns(uint64[] memory)
            "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read error code from successful Witnet.Result"
        return _result.value.decodeUint64Array();

    /// @notice Decode a boolean value from a Witnet.Result as an `bool` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bool` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBool(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bool)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `bool` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeBool();

    /// @notice Decode a fixed16 (half-precision) numeric value from a Witnet.Result as an `int32` value.
    /// @dev Due to the lack of support for floating or fixed point arithmetic in the EVM, this method offsets all values.
    /// by 5 decimal orders so as to get a fixed precision of 5 decimal positions, which should be OK for most `fixed16`.
    /// use cases. In other words, the output of this method is 10,000 times the actual value, encoded into an `int32`.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asFixed16(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int32)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `fixed16` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeFixed16();

    /// @notice Decode an array of fixed16 values from a Witnet.Result as an `int128[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asFixed16Array(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int32[] memory)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `fixed16[]` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeFixed16Array();

    /// @notice Decode a integer numeric value from a Witnet.Result as an `int128` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asInt128(Witnet.Result memory _result)
      external pure
      returns (int128)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `int128` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeInt128();

    /// @notice Decode an array of integer numeric values from a Witnet.Result as an `int128[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asInt128Array(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int128[] memory)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `int128[]` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeInt128Array();

    /// @notice Decode a string value from a Witnet.Result as a `string` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `string` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asString(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns(string memory)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `string` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeString();

    /// @notice Decode an array of string values from a Witnet.Result as a `string[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `string[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asStringArray(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (string[] memory)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `string[]` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeStringArray();

    /// @notice Decode a natural numeric value from a Witnet.Result as a `uint64` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `uint64` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asUint64(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `uint64` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeUint64();

    /// @notice Decode an array of natural numeric values from a Witnet.Result as a `uint64[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `uint64[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asUint64Array(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (uint64[] memory)
        require(_result.success, "WitnetParserLib: Tried to read `uint64[]` value from errored Witnet.Result");
        return _result.value.decodeUint64Array();

    /// @notice Convert a stage index number into the name of the matching Witnet request stage.
    /// @param _stageIndex A `uint64` identifying the index of one of the Witnet request stages.
    /// @return The name of the matching stage.
    function stageName(uint64 _stageIndex)
        public pure
        returns (string memory)
        if (_stageIndex == 0) {
            return "retrieval";
        } else if (_stageIndex == 1) {
            return "aggregation";
        } else if (_stageIndex == 2) {
            return "tally";
        } else {
            return "unknown";

    /// @notice Get an `Witnet.ErrorCodes` item from its `uint64` discriminant.
    /// @param _discriminant The numeric identifier of an error.
    /// @return A member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes`.
    function _supportedErrorOrElseUnknown(uint64 _discriminant)
        private pure
        returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes)
        return Witnet.ErrorCodes(_discriminant);

    /// @notice Convert a `uint64` into a 1, 2 or 3 characters long `string` representing its.
    /// three less significant decimal values.
    /// @param _u A `uint64` value.
    /// @return The `string` representing its decimal value.
    function _utoa(uint64 _u)
        private pure
        returns (string memory)
        if (_u < 10) {
            bytes memory b1 = new bytes(1);
            b1[0] = bytes1(uint8(_u) + 48);
            return string(b1);
        } else if (_u < 100) {
            bytes memory b2 = new bytes(2);
            b2[0] = bytes1(uint8(_u / 10) + 48);
            b2[1] = bytes1(uint8(_u % 10) + 48);
            return string(b2);
        } else {
            bytes memory b3 = new bytes(3);
            b3[0] = bytes1(uint8(_u / 100) + 48);
            b3[1] = bytes1(uint8(_u % 100 / 10) + 48);
            b3[2] = bytes1(uint8(_u % 10) + 48);
            return string(b3);

    /// @notice Convert a `uint64` into a 2 characters long `string` representing its two less significant hexadecimal values.
    /// @param _u A `uint64` value.
    /// @return The `string` representing its hexadecimal value.
    function _utohex(uint64 _u)
        private pure
        returns (string memory)
        bytes memory b2 = new bytes(2);
        uint8 d0 = uint8(_u / 16) + 48;
        uint8 d1 = uint8(_u % 16) + 48;
        if (d0 > 57)
            d0 += 7;
        if (d1 > 57)
            d1 += 7;
        b2[0] = bytes1(d0);
        b2[1] = bytes1(d1);
        return string(b2);
// File: contracts\interfaces\IERC20.sol
 * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20 {
    /// Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

    /// Returns the amount of tokens owned by `_account`.
    function balanceOf(address _account) external view returns (uint256);

    /// Moves `_amount` tokens from the caller's account to `_recipient`.
    /// Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
    /// Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transfer(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool);

    /// Returns the remaining number of tokens that `_spender` will be
    /// allowed to spend on behalf of `_owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
    /// zero by default.
    /// This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
    function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256);

    /// Sets `_amount` as the allowance of `_spender` over the caller's tokens.
    /// Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
    /// IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
    /// that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
    /// transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
    /// condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
    /// desired value afterwards:
    /// Emits an {Approval} event.     
    function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool);

    /// Moves `amount` tokens from `_sender` to `_recipient` using the
    /// allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
    /// allowance.
    /// Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
    /// Emits a {Transfer} event. 
    function transferFrom(
        address _sender,
        address _recipient,
        uint256 _amount
    ) external returns (bool);

    /// Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
    /// another (`to`).
    /// Note that `:value` may be zero.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

    /// Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
    /// a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
// File: contracts\patterns\Payable.sol
abstract contract Payable {
    IERC20 public immutable currency;

    event Received(address from, uint256 amount);
    event Transfer(address to, uint256 amount);

    constructor(address _currency) {
        currency = IERC20(_currency);

    /// Gets current transaction price.
    function _getGasPrice() internal view virtual returns (uint256);

    /// Gets current payment value.
    function _getMsgValue() internal view virtual returns (uint256);

    /// Perform safe transfer or whatever token is used for paying rewards.
    function _safeTransferTo(address payable, uint256) internal virtual;
// File: contracts\impls\trustable\WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase.sol
/// @title Witnet Request Board "trustable" base implementation contract.
/// @notice Contract to bridge requests to Witnet Decentralized Oracle Network.
/// @dev This contract enables posting requests that Witnet bridges will insert into the Witnet network.
/// The result of the requests will be posted back to this contract by the bridge nodes too.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation
abstract contract WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase
    using Witnet for bytes;
    using WitnetParserLib for Witnet.Result;
    constructor(bool _upgradable, bytes32 _versionTag, address _currency)
        WitnetRequestBoardUpgradableBase(_upgradable, _versionTag)

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Overrides 'Upgradable' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Initialize storage-context when invoked as delegatecall. 
    /// @dev Must fail when trying to initialize same instance more than once.
    function initialize(bytes memory _initData) virtual external override {
        address _owner = _state().owner;
        if (_owner == address(0)) {
            // set owner if none set yet
            _owner = msg.sender;
            _state().owner = _owner;
        } else {
            // only owner can initialize:
            require(msg.sender == _owner, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: only owner");

        if (_state().base != address(0)) {
            // current implementation cannot be initialized more than once:
            require(_state().base != base(), "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: already initialized");
        _state().base = base();

        emit Upgraded(msg.sender, base(), codehash(), version());

        // Do actual base initialization:
        setReporters(abi.decode(_initData, (address[])));

    /// Tells whether provided address could eventually upgrade the contract.
    function isUpgradableFrom(address _from) external view override returns (bool) {
        address _owner = _state().owner;
        return (
            // false if the WRB is intrinsically not upgradable, or `_from` is no owner
                && _owner == _from

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Full implementation of 'IWitnetRequestBoardAdmin' ----------------------------------------------------------

    /// Gets admin/owner address.
    function owner()
        public view
        returns (address)
        return _state().owner;

    /// Transfers ownership.
    function transferOwnership(address _newOwner)
        virtual override
        address _owner = _state().owner;
        if (_newOwner != _owner) {
            _state().owner = _newOwner;
            emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, _newOwner);

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Full implementation of 'IWitnetRequestBoardAdminACLs' ------------------------------------------------------

    /// Tells whether given address is included in the active reporters control list.
    /// @param _reporter The address to be checked.
    function isReporter(address _reporter) public view override returns (bool) {
        return _acls().isReporter_[_reporter];

    /// Adds given addresses to the active reporters control list.
    /// @dev Can only be called from the owner address.
    /// @dev Emits the `ReportersSet` event. 
    /// @param _reporters List of addresses to be added to the active reporters control list.
    function setReporters(address[] memory _reporters)
        for (uint ix = 0; ix < _reporters.length; ix ++) {
            address _reporter = _reporters[ix];
            _acls().isReporter_[_reporter] = true;
        emit ReportersSet(_reporters);

    /// Removes given addresses from the active reporters control list.
    /// @dev Can only be called from the owner address.
    /// @dev Emits the `ReportersUnset` event. 
    /// @param _exReporters List of addresses to be added to the active reporters control list.
    function unsetReporters(address[] memory _exReporters)
        for (uint ix = 0; ix < _exReporters.length; ix ++) {
            address _reporter = _exReporters[ix];
            _acls().isReporter_[_reporter] = false;
        emit ReportersUnset(_exReporters);

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Full implementation of 'IWitnetRequestBoardReporter' -------------------------------------------------------

    /// Reports the Witnet-provided result to a previously posted request. 
    /// @dev Will assume `block.timestamp` as the timestamp at which the request was solved.
    /// @dev Fails if:
    /// @dev - the `_queryId` is not in 'Posted' status.
    /// @dev - provided `_drTxHash` is zero;
    /// @dev - length of provided `_result` is zero.
    /// @param _queryId The unique identifier of the data request.
    /// @param _drTxHash The hash of the solving tally transaction in Witnet.
    /// @param _cborBytes The result itself as bytes.
    function reportResult(
            uint256 _queryId,
            bytes32 _drTxHash,
            bytes calldata _cborBytes
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted)
        require(_drTxHash != 0, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault: Witnet drTxHash cannot be zero");
        // Ensures the result bytes do not have zero length
        // This would not be a valid encoding with CBOR and could trigger a reentrancy attack
        require(_cborBytes.length != 0, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault: result cannot be empty");
        // solhint-disable not-rely-on-time
        emit PostedResult(_queryId, msg.sender);

    /// Reports the Witnet-provided result to a previously posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if:
    /// @dev - called from unauthorized address;
    /// @dev - the `_queryId` is not in 'Posted' status.
    /// @dev - provided `_drTxHash` is zero;
    /// @dev - length of provided `_result` is zero.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    /// @param _timestamp The timestamp of the solving tally transaction in Witnet.
    /// @param _drTxHash The hash of the solving tally transaction in Witnet.
    /// @param _cborBytes The result itself as bytes.
    function reportResult(
            uint256 _queryId,
            uint256 _timestamp,
            bytes32 _drTxHash,
            bytes calldata _cborBytes
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted)
        require(_timestamp <= block.timestamp, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault: bad timestamp");
        require(_drTxHash != 0, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault: Witnet drTxHash cannot be zero");
        // Ensures the result bytes do not have zero length
        // This would not be a valid encoding with CBOR and could trigger a reentrancy attack
        require(_cborBytes.length != 0, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault: result cannot be empty");
        emit PostedResult(_queryId, msg.sender);

    /// Reports Witnet-provided results to multiple requests within a single EVM tx.
    /// @dev Fails if called from unauthorized address.
    /// @dev Emits a PostedResult event for every succesfully reported result, if any.
    /// @param _batchResults Array of BatchedResult structs, every one containing:
    ///         - unique query identifier;
    ///         - timestamp of the solving tally txs in Witnet. If zero is provided, EVM-timestamp will be used instead;
    ///         - hash of the corresponding data request tx at the Witnet side-chain level;
    ///         - data request result in raw bytes.
    /// @param _verbose If true, emits a BatchReportError event for every failing report, if any. 
    function reportResultBatch(
            BatchResult[] memory _batchResults,
            bool _verbose
        uint _batchReward;
        uint _batchSize = _batchResults.length;
        for ( uint _i = 0; _i < _batchSize; _i ++) {
            BatchResult memory _result = _batchResults[_i];
            if (_getQueryStatus(_result.queryId) != Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted) {
                if (_verbose) {
                    emit BatchReportError(
                        "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: bad queryId"
            } else if (_result.drTxHash == 0) {
                if (_verbose) {
                    emit BatchReportError(
                        "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: bad drTxHash"
            } else if (_result.cborBytes.length == 0) {
                if (_verbose) {
                    emit BatchReportError(
                        "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: bad cborBytes"
            } else if (_result.timestamp > 0 && _result.timestamp > block.timestamp) {
                if (_verbose) {
                    emit BatchReportError(
                        "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: bad timestamp"
            } else {
                _batchReward += __reportResult(
                    _result.timestamp == 0 ? block.timestamp : _result.timestamp,
                emit PostedResult(
        // Transfer all successful rewards in one single shot to the authorized reporter, if any:
        if (_batchReward > 0) {

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Full implementation of 'IWitnetRequestBoardRequestor' ------------------------------------------------------

    /// Retrieves copy of all response data related to a previously posted request, removing the whole query from storage.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status, or called from an address different to
    /// @dev the one that actually posted the given request.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function deleteQuery(uint256 _queryId)
        virtual override
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported)
        returns (Witnet.Response memory _response)
        Witnet.Query storage __query = _state().queries[_queryId];
            msg.sender == __query.from,
            "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: only requester"
        _response = __query.response;
        delete _state().queries[_queryId];
        emit DeletedQuery(_queryId, msg.sender);

    /// Requests the execution of the given Witnet Data Request in expectation that it will be relayed and solved by the Witnet DON.
    /// A reward amount is escrowed by the Witnet Request Board that will be transferred to the reporter who relays back the Witnet-provided 
    /// result to this request.
    /// @dev Fails if:
    /// @dev - provided reward is too low.
    /// @dev - provided script is zero address.
    /// @dev - provided script bytecode is empty.
    /// @param _addr The address of a IWitnetRequest contract, containing the actual Data Request seralized bytecode.
    /// @return _queryId An unique query identifier.
    function postRequest(IWitnetRequest _addr)
        public payable
        virtual override
        returns (uint256 _queryId)
        uint256 _value = _getMsgValue();
        uint256 _gasPrice = _getGasPrice();

        // Checks the tally reward is covering gas cost
        uint256 minResultReward = estimateReward(_gasPrice);
        require(_value >= minResultReward, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: reward too low");

        // Validates provided script:
        require(address(_addr) != address(0), "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: null script");
        bytes memory _bytecode = _addr.bytecode();
        require(_bytecode.length > 0, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: empty script");

        _queryId = ++ _state().numQueries;
        _state().queries[_queryId].from = msg.sender;

        Witnet.Request storage _request = _getRequestData(_queryId);
        _request.addr = _addr;
        _request.hash = _bytecode.hash();
        _request.gasprice = _gasPrice;
        _request.reward = _value;

        // Let observers know that a new request has been posted
        emit PostedRequest(_queryId, msg.sender);
    /// Increments the reward of a previously posted request by adding the transaction value to it.
    /// @dev Updates request `gasPrice` in case this method is called with a higher 
    /// @dev gas price value than the one used in previous calls to `postRequest` or
    /// @dev `upgradeReward`. 
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Posted' status.
    /// @dev Fails also in case the request `gasPrice` is increased, and the new 
    /// @dev reward value gets below new recalculated threshold. 
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function upgradeReward(uint256 _queryId)
        public payable
        virtual override      
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted)
        Witnet.Request storage _request = _getRequestData(_queryId);

        uint256 _newReward = _request.reward + _getMsgValue();
        uint256 _newGasPrice = _getGasPrice();

        // If gas price is increased, then check if new rewards cover gas costs
        if (_newGasPrice > _request.gasprice) {
            // Checks the reward is covering gas cost
            uint256 _minResultReward = estimateReward(_newGasPrice);
                _newReward >= _minResultReward,
                "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: reward too low"
            _request.gasprice = _newGasPrice;
        _request.reward = _newReward;

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Full implementation of 'IWitnetRequestBoardView' -----------------------------------------------------------

    /// Estimates the amount of reward we need to insert for a given gas price.
    /// @param _gasPrice The gas price for which we need to calculate the rewards.
    function estimateReward(uint256 _gasPrice)
        public view
        virtual override
        returns (uint256);

    /// Returns next request id to be generated by the Witnet Request Board.
    function getNextQueryId()
        external view 
        returns (uint256)
        return _state().numQueries + 1;

    /// Gets the whole Query data contents, if any, no matter its current status.
    function getQueryData(uint256 _queryId)
      external view
      returns (Witnet.Query memory)
        return _state().queries[_queryId];

    /// Gets current status of given query.
    function getQueryStatus(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        returns (Witnet.QueryStatus)
        return _getQueryStatus(_queryId);


    /// Retrieves the whole Request record posted to the Witnet Request Board.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid or, if it has already been reported
    /// @dev or deleted.
    /// @param _queryId The unique identifier of a previously posted query.
    function readRequest(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted)
        returns (Witnet.Request memory _request)
        Witnet.Query storage __query = _state().queries[_queryId];
        _request = __query.request;
        if (__query.from != address(0)) {
            _request.requester = __query.from;
    /// Retrieves the serialized bytecode of a previously posted Witnet Data Request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid, or if the related script bytecode 
    /// @dev got changed after being posted. Returns empty array once it gets reported, 
    /// @dev or deleted.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readRequestBytecode(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        returns (bytes memory _bytecode)
            _getQueryStatus(_queryId) != Witnet.QueryStatus.Unknown,
            "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: not yet posted"
        Witnet.Request storage _request = _getRequestData(_queryId);
        if (address(_request.addr) != address(0)) {
            // if DR's request contract address is not zero,
            // we assume the DR has not been deleted, so
            // DR's bytecode can still be fetched:
            _bytecode = _request.addr.bytecode();
                _bytecode.hash() == _request.hash,
                "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: bytecode changed after posting"

    /// Retrieves the gas price that any assigned reporter will have to pay when reporting 
    /// result to a previously posted Witnet data request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid or, if it has already been 
    /// @dev reported, or deleted. 
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    function readRequestGasPrice(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted)
        returns (uint256)
        return _state().queries[_queryId].request.gasprice;

    /// Retrieves the reward currently set for a previously posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not valid or, if it has already been 
    /// @dev reported, or deleted. 
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    function readRequestReward(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Posted)
        returns (uint256)
        return _state().queries[_queryId].request.reward;

    /// Retrieves the Witnet-provided result, and metadata, to a previously posted request.    
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    function readResponse(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported)
        returns (Witnet.Response memory _response)
        return _getResponseData(_queryId);

    /// Retrieves the hash of the Witnet transaction that actually solved the referred query.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponseDrTxHash(uint256 _queryId)
        external view        
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported)
        returns (bytes32)
        return _getResponseData(_queryId).drTxHash;

    /// Retrieves the address that reported the result to a previously-posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    function readResponseReporter(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported)
        returns (address)
        return _getResponseData(_queryId).reporter;

    /// Retrieves the Witnet-provided CBOR-bytes result of a previously posted request.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier
    function readResponseResult(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported)
        returns (Witnet.Result memory)
        Witnet.Response storage _response = _getResponseData(_queryId);
        return WitnetParserLib.resultFromCborBytes(_response.cborBytes);

    /// Retrieves the timestamp in which the result to the referred query was solved by the Witnet DON.
    /// @dev Fails if the `_queryId` is not in 'Reported' status.
    /// @param _queryId The unique query identifier.
    function readResponseTimestamp(uint256 _queryId)
        external view
        inStatus(_queryId, Witnet.QueryStatus.Reported)
        returns (uint256)
        return _getResponseData(_queryId).timestamp;

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Full implementation of 'IWitnetRequestParser' interface ----------------------------------------------------

    /// Decode raw CBOR bytes into a Witnet.Result instance.
    /// @param _cborBytes Raw bytes representing a CBOR-encoded value.
    /// @return A `Witnet.Result` instance.
    function resultFromCborBytes(bytes memory _cborBytes)
        external pure
        returns (Witnet.Result memory)
        return WitnetParserLib.resultFromCborBytes(_cborBytes);

    /// Decode a CBOR value into a Witnet.Result instance.
    /// @param _cborValue An instance of `Witnet.CBOR`.
    /// @return A `Witnet.Result` instance.
    function resultFromCborValue(Witnet.CBOR memory _cborValue)
        external pure
        returns (Witnet.Result memory)
        return WitnetParserLib.resultFromCborValue(_cborValue);

    /// Tell if a Witnet.Result is successful.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return `true` if successful, `false` if errored.
    function isOk(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bool)
        return _result.isOk();

    /// Tell if a Witnet.Result is errored.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return `true` if errored, `false` if successful.
    function isError(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bool)
        return _result.isError();

    /// Decode a bytes value from a Witnet.Result as a `bytes` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bytes` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBytes(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bytes memory)
        return _result.asBytes();

    /// Decode a bytes value from a Witnet.Result as a `bytes32` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bytes32` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBytes32(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bytes32)
        return _result.asBytes32();

    /// Decode an error code from a Witnet.Result as a member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes`.
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return The `CBORValue.Error memory` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asErrorCode(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes)
        return _result.asErrorCode();

    /// Generate a suitable error message for a member of `Witnet.ErrorCodes` and its corresponding arguments.
    /// @dev WARN: Note that client contracts should wrap this function into a try-catch foreseing potential errors generated in this function
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return A tuple containing the `CBORValue.Error memory` decoded from the `Witnet.Result`, plus a loggable error message.
    function asErrorMessage(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes, string memory)
        try _result.asErrorMessage() returns (Witnet.ErrorCodes _code, string memory _message) {
            return (_code, _message);
        catch Error(string memory _reason) {
            return (Witnet.ErrorCodes.Unknown, _reason);
        catch (bytes memory) {
            return (Witnet.ErrorCodes.UnhandledIntercept, "WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase: failing assert");

    /// Decode a raw error from a `Witnet.Result` as a `uint64[]`.
    /// @param _result An instance of `Witnet.Result`.
    /// @return The `uint64[]` raw error as decoded from the `Witnet.Result`.
    function asRawError(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns(uint64[] memory)
        return _result.asRawError();

    /// Decode a boolean value from a Witnet.Result as an `bool` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `bool` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asBool(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (bool)
        return _result.asBool();

    /// Decode a fixed16 (half-precision) numeric value from a Witnet.Result as an `int32` value.
    /// @dev Due to the lack of support for floating or fixed point arithmetic in the EVM, this method offsets all values.
    /// by 5 decimal orders so as to get a fixed precision of 5 decimal positions, which should be OK for most `fixed16`.
    /// use cases. In other words, the output of this method is 10,000 times the actual value, encoded into an `int32`.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asFixed16(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int32)
        return _result.asFixed16();

    /// Decode an array of fixed16 values from a Witnet.Result as an `int128[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asFixed16Array(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int32[] memory)
        return _result.asFixed16Array();

    /// Decode a integer numeric value from a Witnet.Result as an `int128` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asInt128(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int128)
        return _result.asInt128();

    /// Decode an array of integer numeric values from a Witnet.Result as an `int128[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `int128[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asInt128Array(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (int128[] memory)
        return _result.asInt128Array();

    /// Decode a string value from a Witnet.Result as a `string` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `string` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asString(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (string memory)
        return _result.asString();

    /// Decode an array of string values from a Witnet.Result as a `string[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `string[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asStringArray(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (string[] memory)
        return _result.asStringArray();

    /// Decode a natural numeric value from a Witnet.Result as a `uint64` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `uint64` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asUint64(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure 
        return _result.asUint64();

    /// Decode an array of natural numeric values from a Witnet.Result as a `uint64[]` value.
    /// @param _result An instance of Witnet.Result.
    /// @return The `uint64[]` decoded from the Witnet.Result.
    function asUint64Array(Witnet.Result memory _result)
        external pure
        returns (uint64[] memory)
        return _result.asUint64Array();

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    function __reportResult(
            uint256 _queryId,
            uint256 _timestamp,
            bytes32 _drTxHash,
            bytes memory _cborBytes
        returns (uint256 _reward)
        Witnet.Query storage __query = _state().queries[_queryId];
        Witnet.Request storage __request = __query.request;
        Witnet.Response storage __response = __query.response;

        // solhint-disable not-rely-on-time
        __response.timestamp = _timestamp;
        __response.drTxHash = _drTxHash;
        __response.reporter = msg.sender;
        __response.cborBytes = _cborBytes;

        // return request latest reward
        _reward = __request.reward;

        // Request data won't be needed anymore, so it can just get deleted right now:  
        delete __query.request;
// File: contracts\patterns\Destructible.sol
interface Destructible {
    /// @dev Self-destruct the whole contract.
    function destruct() external;
// File: contracts\impls\trustable\WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault.sol
/* solhint-disable var-name-mixedcase */

/// @title Witnet Request Board "trustable" implementation contract.
/// @notice Contract to bridge requests to Witnet Decentralized Oracle Network.
/// @dev This contract enables posting requests that Witnet bridges will insert into the Witnet network.
/// The result of the requests will be posted back to this contract by the bridge nodes too.
/// @author The Witnet Foundation
contract WitnetRequestBoardTrustableDefault
    uint256 internal immutable _ESTIMATED_REPORT_RESULT_GAS;

        bool _upgradable,
        bytes32 _versionTag,
        uint256 _reportResultGasLimit
        WitnetRequestBoardTrustableBase(_upgradable, _versionTag, address(0))
        _ESTIMATED_REPORT_RESULT_GAS = _reportResultGasLimit;

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Overrides implementation of 'IWitnetRequestBoardView' ------------------------------------------------------

    /// Estimates the amount of reward we need to insert for a given gas price.
    /// @param _gasPrice The gas price for which we need to calculate the rewards.
    function estimateReward(uint256 _gasPrice)
        public view
        virtual override
        returns (uint256)
        return _gasPrice * _ESTIMATED_REPORT_RESULT_GAS;

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Overrides 'Destructible' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Destroys current instance. Only callable by the owner.
    function destruct() external override onlyOwner {

    // ================================================================================================================
    // --- Overrides 'Payable' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// Gets current transaction price.
    function _getGasPrice()
        internal view
        returns (uint256)
        return tx.gasprice;

    /// Gets current payment value.
    function _getMsgValue()
        internal view
        returns (uint256)
        return msg.value;

    /// Transfers ETHs to given address.
    /// @param _to Recipient address.
    /// @param _amount Amount of ETHs to transfer.
    function _safeTransferTo(address payable _to, uint256 _amount)

Contract ABI

[{"type":"constructor","stateMutability":"nonpayable","inputs":[{"type":"bool","name":"_upgradable","internalType":"bool"},{"type":"bytes32","name":"_versionTag","internalType":"bytes32"},{"type":"uint256","name":"_reportResultGasLimit","internalType":"uint256"}]},{"type":"event","name":"BatchReportError","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"queryId","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false},{"type":"string","name":"reason","internalType":"string","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"DeletedQuery","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"queryId","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false},{"type":"address","name":"from","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"OwnershipTransferred","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"from","internalType":"address","indexed":true},{"type":"address","name":"to","internalType":"address","indexed":true}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"PostedRequest","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"queryId","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false},{"type":"address","name":"from","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"PostedResult","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"queryId","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false},{"type":"address","name":"from","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"Received","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"from","internalType":"address","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"amount","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"ReportersSet","inputs":[{"type":"address[]","name":"reporters","internalType":"address[]","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"ReportersUnset","inputs":[{"type":"address[]","name":"reporters","internalType":"address[]","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"Transfer","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"to","internalType":"address","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"amount","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"Upgraded","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"from","internalType":"address","indexed":true},{"type":"address","name":"baseAddr","internalType":"address","indexed":true},{"type":"bytes32","name":"baseCodehash","internalType":"bytes32","indexed":true},{"type":"bytes32","name":"versionTag","internalType":"bytes32","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"fallback","stateMutability":"payable"},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[{"type":"bool","name":"","internalType":"bool"}],"name":"asBool","inputs":[{"type":"tuple","name":"_result","internalType":"struct Witnet.Result","components":[{"type":"bool","name":"success","internalType":"bool"},{"type":"tuple","name":"value","internalType":"struct Witnet.CBOR","components":[{"type":"tuple","name":"buffer","internalType":"struct Witnet.Buffer","components":[{"type":"bytes","name":"data","internalType":"bytes"},{"type":"uint32","name":"cursor","internalType":"uint32"}]},{"type":"uint8","name":"initialByte","internalType":"uint8"},{"type":"uint8","name":"majorType","internalType":"uint8"},{"type":"uint8","name":"additionalInformation","internalType":"uint8"},{"type":"uint64","name":"len","internalType":"uint64"},{"type":"uint64","name":"tag","internalType":"uint64"}]}]}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[{"type":"bytes","name":"","internalType":"bytes"}],"name":"asBytes","inputs":[{"type":"tuple","name":"_result","internalType":"struct Witnet.Result","components":[{"type":"bool","name":"success","internalType":"bool"},{"type":"tuple","name":"value","internalType":"struct Witnet.CBOR","components":[{"type":"tuple","name":"buffer","internalType":"struct Witnet.Buffer","components":[{"type":"bytes","name":"data","internalType":"bytes"},{"type":"uint32","name":"cursor","internalType":"uint32"}]},{"type":"uint8","name":"initialByte","internalType":"uint8"},{"type":"uint8","name":"majorType","internalType":"uint8"},{"type":"uint8","name":"additionalInformation","internalType":"uint8"},{"type":"uint64","name":"len","internalType":"uint64"},{"type":"uint64","name":"tag","internalType":"uint64"}]}]}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[{"type":"bytes32","name":"","internalType":"bytes32"}],"name":"asBytes32","inputs":[{"type":"tuple","name":"_result","internalType":"struct Witnet.Result","components":[{"type":"bool","name":"success","internalType":"bool"},{"type":"tuple","name":"value","internalType":"struct Witnet.CBOR","components":[{"type":"tuple","name":"buffer","internalType":"struct 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